The IX System – getting the job done for a wide range of business applications, while achieving connection and integration with third-party IP systems.
About Aiphone Corporation
Aiphone has become the most respected and reliable brand of communication systems in the world. Aiphone Co. Limited in Nagoya, Japan exports to over 60 countries. Our North American marketing and sales distribution center near Seattle, Washington, was established in 1970.
Systems for Every Application
Aiphone products range from simple do-it-yourself door answering units to sophisticated video entry security systems, complex microprocessor-based commercial systems, and luxury condo/apartment security and communication systems. Our products are unrivaled in design simplicity, technical excellence, and reliability. With our broad product line manufacturing capability, we can create a system for virtually any intercom application.
Designed to Last
Every Aiphone system is the result of painstaking attention to detail, with contemporary design and the finest quality hardware and circuitry. All of our products are engineered and tested with reliability in mind.
Winner of the Deming Prize
Aiphone is the first and only intercom manufacturer to win the Deming Prize, the highest international award for quality control. Named in the honor of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, the award honors firms worldwide which advance and maintain manufacturing quality.
ISO 9001
Aiphone is the first intercom manufacturer worldwide to receive ISO 9001 certification, and the only one selling in North America. An agency representing the International Standards Organization (ISO), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, graded Aiphone against guidelines for design and development, production, and product inspection and testing. ISO 9001 standards provide an immediate recognition of product quality almost anywhere in the world.
The first telephone type intercom with open voice and speaker phone features is introduced to the U.S. market.
Aiphone | Aiphone Manuals | Free Download Aiphone Manuals |
The Market Com Paging and Intercom System (MC-3) for retail stores is developed.
The first exchange based microprocessor intercom systems are developed.
Aiphone Co. Ltd. wins the Deming Prize, the first and only intercom manufacturer to receive this most prestigious award for quality control.
Aiphone Corp. begins production of Special Order Products to better satisfy broader customer needs.
The first coaxial cable wired audio/video combination door answering system is introduced.
The first Aiphone multi-tenant audio/video security system is developed.
CCD (charged coupled device) chip cameras are introduced in Aiphone video entry system.
Aiphone develops the first 2-wire audio/video entry system.
Aiphone Co. Ltd. goes public, listed on the Japanese Stock Exchange.
Aiphone develops the first modular audio/video/radio intercom.
Aiphone develops the first microprocessor based multi-tenant video entry system.
Aiphone Corp. is awarded Government Services Administration (GSA) Contract as a recognized supplier to the US government.
Aiphone develops the first multi-directional pan and tilt video entry system.
The New MarketCom MC-60/4 Paging System is introduced to succeed the MC-3, our most popular paging system for US retail stores.
Aiphone Corporation celebrates its 25th Anniversary in the United States.
The first Aiphone color video entry system is developed.
Aiphone updates MK series B&W series with modernized chassis, higher resolution cameras and monitors.
Aiphone introduces the JK Series: Hands-free Color Video with PanTilt & Zoom.
Second generation touchscreen JP Series is released faturing improved camera resolution
Aiphone moves to Redmond, WA
The IS Series can be used as a hardwired network system for a small application, or as an IP network system for a central controlled system across a number of facilities.
Innovative Network-based IP Video Door Entry Security Management.
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All Manuals Are taken from Aiphone Officel Site ..
AC-10S/F Instructions
AX Directory Labeling Template
AX QuikStart Guide
AX-DV(F)-P Instructions
AXW-AVT,R Instructions
AP-M High-Power Intercom Instructions.pdf
AP-M High-Power Intercom Operation Manual.pdf
AP-MS Expanded High-Powered Intercom Instructions.pdf
AP-S Instructions.pdf
AP-nAS AP-MS Add-on Selector Instructions.pdf
AT-406 Handset Intercom Instructions.pdf
AVD-S Vehicle Alert System Instructions.pdf
B-VY-10 Surface Mount Box for VY Spec Sheet.pdf
BA-1 Paging Adaptor Instructions.pdf
BA-1P Paging Adaptor Instructions.pdf
BG-10C Music & Chime Adaptor Instructions.pdf
BG-1A Instructions.pdf
BGR-10A Music Center Instructions.pdf
BGR-10A Music Center Spec Sheet.pdf
C-123L-A Chime-Com System Instructions.pdf
C-123LW Chime-Com Dual Master Instructions.pdf
CCS-1A Chime-Com2 System Instructions.pdf
DA Installation Instructions.pdf
DA-1MD Operating Instructions.pdf
DAK-2S Instructions.pdf
DAW-P Instructions.pdf
DD-UR Instructions.pdf
DE-UR Door Station Adaptor Instructions.pdf
DL, TA-K Instructions.pdf
DS-B Instructions.pdf
GF Audio-Video Installation Manual.pdf
GF Installation Manual.pdf
GF-1MDK Operation Manual.pdf
GF-MK Installation and Operation Manual.pdf
GF-NS Name Scrolling Module Instructions.pdf
GF-NSA Software Setup Instructions.pdf
GM Installation Manual.pdf
GM Operation Manual.pdf
GW-LE8 Audio Module for Open Voice System Instructions.pdf
GW-LE8 Audio Module for Open Voice System Spec Sheet.pdf
HM-7 Instructions.pdf
HM-7 with DD-1 Instructions.pdf
IB Door Station Instructions.pdf
IBG-1GD Instructions.pdf
IBG-1HD Instructions.pdf
IBG-2AD Instructions.pdf
IC Door Station Instructions.pdf
IC-1AD Instructions.pdf
IC-2AD Instructions.pdf
IC-D1, D2, D3 Instructions.pdf
IE Door Station Instructions.pdf
IE-1AD Chime-Tone Intercom Instructions.pdf
IE-1GD Chime-Tone Intercom Instructions.pdf
IE-2AD Chime-Tone Intercom Instructions.pdf
IE-8MD Selective Chime-Tone Intercom Instructions.pdf
IE-8MD Selective Chime-Tone Intercom Layout.pdf
IE-DL1, 2, 3 Instructions.pdf
IE-SS-IE-SSR 2-Gang Stainless Steel.pdf
IER-2 Call Extension Instructions.pdf
JB-2MD Installation Manual.pdf
JB-DA DV & DVF Installation Manual.pdf
KA-DA Spec Sheet.pdf
KA-DAR Spec Sheet.pdf
KA-DGR PANEL Stainless Steel Cover for KB-DAR-KC-DAR Instructions.pdf
KA-FSH Vandal resistant flush mount housing for KB-DAR Instructions.pdf
KAH Instructions.pdf
KAH-2 Instructions.pdf
KAS-1ED Instructions.pdf
KAS-1ED Layout.pdf
KAS-1ERD Layout.pdf
KAS-1ERD Spec Sheet.pdf
KAW-D 30 Deg Angle Box Instructions.pdf
KB-3MRD Installation Manual.pdf
KB-3MRD Operation Manual.pdf
KB-3SD Install and Operation Manual.pdf
KB-DAR Install and Operation Manual.pdf
KB-DAR-M KB-DAR modified for motion detector activation Instructions.pdf
KBW-M Video Modulator Instructions.pdf
KC 1 x 3 Color Video Sentry Instructions.pdf
KC-32EU Installation Manual.pdf
KC-32EU Operation Manual.pdf
KCS-1ARD (KC-1MRD) Installation Manual.pdf
KCW-D KC Series Video Demodulator Instructions.pdf
KMB-45 45 Deg mounting bracket for door station Instructions.pdf
LA-B Instructions.pdf
LA-nAS Add-On Selector for LAF Instructions.pdf
LAA-1 Instructions.pdf
LAF Series Instructions.pdf
LAF-10B Instructions.pdf
LAF-10B-A Instructions.pdf
LAF-10BS Instructions.pdf
LAF-10S Instructions.pdf
LAF-1B Instructions.pdf
LAF-20 Instructions.pdf
LAF-3A Instructions.pdf
LAF-3B Instructions.pdf
LAF-7B Instructions.pdf
LAF-C Console Master Station Instructions.pdf
LAF-nB Instructions.pdf
LAF-nB Operation Manual.pdf
LAR-1 Instructions.pdf
LAR-2 Instructions.pdf
LC-nS Instructions.pdf
LDC-S Door Com System Instructions.pdf
LDF Access Control System Instructions.pdf
LE-B2, 4, 6, 10 Selective Call Entry Station Instructions.pdf
LE-D, LE-DA Door Station Instructions.pdf
LE-DL Door Station Instructions.pdf
LE-SS-LE-SSR 2-Gang Stainless Steel, Vandal and Weather Resistant Subs Instr.pdf
LEF Selective Call Intercom Instructions.pdf
LEF-1C Sub Master for Master Sentry System Instructions.pdf
LEF-3L 3-Call Master with Selective Door Release Instructions.pdf
LEF-C Master Sentry System Instructions.pdf
LEF-LD Long Distance Loudspeaker Intercom Instructions.pdf
LEM Single Master Intercom System Instructions.pdf
LEM-1DL Access Sentry Instructions.pdf
LEM-1DL-C Dual Master Access Sentry Instructions.pdf
LEM-1L Instructions.pdf
LS-NVP Instructions.pdf
LS-NVP-B Vandal Proof Sub Station Instructions.pdf
MA-1A Instructions.pdf
MA-4U Instructions.pdf
MA-D Instructions.pdf
MB-D, DA Instructions.pdf
MB-U Instructions.pdf
MC-3 Instructions.pdf
MC-60-4 MarketCom System Instructions.pdf
MC-A-A MarketCom Adaptor Instructions.pdf
MC-D Instructions.pdf
MCH-U Instructions.pdf
MCW-P3 Instructions.pdf
MDS-2V, 3V Instructions.pdf
MF-D Instructions.pdf
MF-DL Instructions.pdf
MFH-U Instructions.pdf
MFW-P1 Instructions.pdf
MFW-P3CB Instructions.pdf
MJS-1AD Instructions.pdf
MK-1GD & MK-1HD Door Sentry Instructions.pdf
MK-1MD-A Door Sentry Instructions.pdf
MK-1SD Sub Audio Station Instructions.pdf
MK-2MCD-HCD Video Sentry PanTilt Plus Instructions.pdf
MK-2SD Sub Audio Station Instructions.pdf
MK-D Audio Only Door Station Instructions.pdf
MK-DAC, MK-DBC Instructions.pdf
MK-DGV Vandal Resistant PanTilt Video Door Station Instructions.pdf
MK-DH, MK-DV, MK-DVF Fixed Camera Video Door Station Instructions.pdf
MK-DS Video Door Station Spec Sheet.pdf
MKW-DK Motion Detector Interface Adaptor.pdf
MP-S Mid-Power Intercom Instructions.pdf
MY-1CD Video Sentry PanTilt Instructions.pdf
MY-1HD Sub Room Station Instructions.pdf
MY-2CD Video Sentry PanTilt Plus Instructions.pdf
MY-2CD Video Sentry PanTilt Plus Layout.pdf
MY-2CD Video Sentry PanTilt Plus Spec Sheet.pdf
MY-CA Instructions.pdf
MY-CA, MY-FA Spec Sheet.pdf
MY-CB Instructions.pdf
MY-CU, MYH-CU Video Monitor Instructions.pdf
MY-CU-PH Video Door Answering with Panasonic Phone System Instructions.pdf
MY-DA Instructions.pdf
MY-DS Wide Angle Door Station Instructions.pdf
MYH-CUB PanTilt Video Monitor Instructions.pdf
MYW-BA Long Distance Adaptor Instructions.pdf
MYW-BA-M Long Distance Adaptor Between Monitors Instructions.pdf
MYW-CA Instructions.pdf
MYW-MD Instructions.pdf
MYW-MD Video Modulator-Demodulator Instructions.pdf
MYW-P10L 10-Camera Video Adaptor Instructions.pdf
MYW-P1L LEF Single Camera Adaptor Instructions.pdf
MYW-P3CB Video Adaptor Instructions.pdf
MYW-P3L Three PanTilt Camera Adaptor Instructions.pdf
N Series Instructions.pdf
N-AS Add-On Selector for NEM Instructions.pdf
NA-T-A NEM Handset Sub Station Instructions.pdf
NB-J Night Switcher Instructions.pdf
NB-L Flush-Mount Round Speaker Instructions.pdf
NB-U BGM Adaptor Instructions.pdf
NCH-2 Instructions.pdf
NDR Access-Camera Control System Instructions.pdf
NDR-RS Access-Camera Control System for Rescue Assistance Instructions.pdf
NDRM Rack Mount System With Access and Door Control - Instruction Manual.pdf
NE-DA Weather Resistant Sub Station Instructions.pdf
NE-JA Weather Resistant Sub Station Instructions.pdf
NE-NVP (-W) Instructions.pdf
NE-NVP-2DC-B Instructions.pdf
NE-NVP-B Vandal Proof Sub Station for NEM Instructions.pdf
NE-NVP-RA Vandal Proof Sub for Areas of Rescue Assistance Instructions.pdf
NE-SS-NE-SSR 2-Gang Stainless Steel, Vandal and Weather Resistant Subs Instr.pdf
NEM Lamp Memory Intercom Instructions.pdf
NEM-EM Emergency Call Intercom System Instructions.pdf
NEM-LD Long Distance Lamp Memory Intercom Instructions.pdf
NEW-5 Parallel Call Adaptor for NEM Instructions.pdf
PB-1 Instructions.pdf
PB-2 Instructions.pdf
PB-YKX Talkback Paging Adaptor for YKX Instructions.pdf
PC-359B-PC-454 Wiring Instructions.pdf
PD-1 Paging Adaptor Instructions.pdf
PD-2 Talkback Paging Adaptor Instructions.pdf
PG-10A Paging Amplifier Instructions.pdf
PG-3 3-Watt Paging Amplifier Instructions.pdf
PP-MK Spec Sheet.pdf
PS-1225UL 12V DC, 2.5 Amp Power Supply Instructions.pdf
PS-12C 12V DC, 1 Amp Power Supply Instructions.pdf
PS-12F 12V DC, 2.5 Amp Power Supply Instructions.pdf
PS-1820UL 18V DC, 2 Amp Power Supply Instructions.pdf
PS-18C Instructions.pdf
PS-18YC-A 18V DC, 1.2 Amp Power Supply Spec Sheet.pdf
PS-2420UL 24V DC, 2 Amp Power Supply Instructions.pdf
PS-24E Instrcutions.pdf
PT-1610 16V AC Transformer for Builders Mounting Instructions.pdf
RA-A, B, C, D for RAX-RCX Stations Instructions.pdf
RAX Duplex Intercom Instructions.pdf
RCX Duplex Intercom Instructions.pdf
RX-JA Flush Mounted Door Station for RAX-RCX Instructions.pdf
RY-3DL Door Release Adaptor for IE-2AD, MY-2CD, KB Series Instructions.pdf
RY-AC-A Call Extension Relay Instructions.pdf
RY-PA-10-A 10 Relay Adaptor Instructions.pdf
RY-SP Instructions.pdf
SBX-2G Surface Mount Box for LE-SS & LE-SSR Spec Sheet.pdf
SBX-ACE Stainless Steel Enclosure for Door station and Access Control Device Instructions.pdf
TA-1A Instructions.pdf
TA-F Instructions.pdf
TA-H Instructions.pdf
TA-T Instructions.pdf
TAR-3 Call Extension Relay Instructions.pdf
TB-20GA Add-On Selector for TB-M Instructions.pdf
TB-ADM10 10-Call PanTilt Door Adaptor for TB-M Instructions.pdf
TB-F Instructions.pdf
TB-H Instructions.pdf
TB-T Instructions.pdf
TB-nMD Master Station with Selective Door Release Instructions.pdf
TC-M Internal Telephone-Type Intercom Instructions.pdf
TC-MB Instructions.pdf
TC-MC Instructions.pdf
TC-MCP Instructions.pdf
TC-ME Instructions.pdf
TCS-MH Chime-Phone Instructions.pdf
TD-H-B Selective Call Intercom Instructions.pdf
TD-Z Selective Call Intercom with Privacy Instructions.pdf
TS-K Instructions.pdf
TX-1200 Instructions.pdf
VAM Instructions.pdf
VC-M Apartment Entry System Instructions.pdf
VC-MW-A Instructions.pdf
VC-MW-B Dual Entrance Adaptor for VC-M Instructions.pdf
VY-EM Multi-Unit PanTilt Video Entry Security Instructions.pdf
Video Output Kit for MY-2CD and MYW-P3L Instructions.pdf
WP100A Wireless Roamer System Instructions.pdf
WP100A Wireless Roamer System Spec Sheet.pdf
YAW-R, RA Paging Adaptor Instructions.pdf
YAZ Loop-Wired Intercom Instructions.pdf
YKX Instructions.pdf
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